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![]() At Peter and Paul fortress Komendantskiy dom atrium awards were granted to the winners of Photo contest “St.Petersburg 305” held under the protection of “Edinaya Rossiya”. In the program of City anniversary photo contest awarding ceremony took place. 305 best pictures selected by committee were exposed in the atrium. Among organizers and honorary visitors were Valentina Matvienko, Boris Gryzlov, Vadim Tylpanov, Ludmila Verbitskaya, Alexander Viktorov. Well-known art critics, politicians, honorary public figures visited exhibition and acquainted with pictures of Saint-Petersburg photographers. Open for public photo contest “St.Petersburg-305” were held in 1-16 of May 2008 and consist of following nominations: “St.Petersburg landscape”, “St.Petersburg faces”, “Political St.Petersburg”, “St.Petersburg is marine capital”, “Our Zenit”. Last moment new nomination devoted to St.Petersburg students was added. Special attention should be paid to the most popular and topical nomination “Political St.Petersburg”. According to “Rosbalt” review: Photo contest “St.Petersburg-305”: disagreeings lose to young mothers, nomination “Political St.Petersburg” were represented by different pictures – at the exposed pictures you can find Grigoriy Yavlinskiy and Michael Amosov as a members of “Marching for St.Petersburg preserving” as well as members of Marching of disageeings and meeting of “Edinaya Rosiiya” members. Otherwise the winner is picture devoted to young mothers marching with baby carriages along Dvortzovaya square”. |
![]() At this nomination a lot of pictures dedicated to St.Petersburg political life were exposed. “St.Petersburg potential” of well-know St.Petersburg photographer Dmity Zhamkov was deservedly awarded. State Duma Chairman Boris Gryzlov congratulated and awarded the winner. (video-track of awarding, TRK “Peterburg-5 kanal” 1.6 Mb). WISP Novosti reporter interviewed Dmitriy Zhamkov. Below is Dmitriy Zhamkov comment of the event: “First of all I am very happy to win the photo contest. I am completely sharing St.Peterspurg Governor Valentina Matvienko wishes the contest should be a traditional event of City Day celebration. Moreover I was glad to get such honorary award from Boris Gryzlov”. According to the organizers statements all pictures selected by contest committee and pictures won contest would be pass on the State Museum of St.Petersburg History. As St.Petersburg Governor Valentina Matvienko noticed our successors could read the history of the city through these pictures in tens years later. Contest committee membership: Tylpanov Vadim Albertovich – Secretary of All-Russian Political Party “Edinaya Rossiya” St.Petersburg Regional Department Political Council, Chairman of St.Petersburg General Court Vakhmistrov Alexander Ivanovich – Vice Governor of St.Petersburg Victorov Alexander Pavlovich – Chairman of Committee on City Construction and Architecture, Chief Architect Sheremetiev Georgiy Anatolievich – Chief Designer of St.Petersburg Rozovskiy Eduard Alexandrovich – Head of Cinema Art Department of the State St.Petersburg Cinema and TV University, People’s Actor of the Soviet Union. Shagin Dmitriy – artist of “Mitki”, Popple’s Artist of Russia. Kaljagin Alexander Nikolaevich – Director of Historical and Cultural Preserve “Peter and Paul fortress – State Museum of St.Petersburg History”. Shishkina Marina Anatolievna – Dean of State St.Petersburg University Journalistic Department Razuvaev Michael Ivanovich – “Kommersant” daily press photographer Martus Vladimir Vjacheslavovich – Captain of Historical Sailor “Shtandart” Konstantinov Nickolay Nickolaevich – Secretary of All-Russian Political Party “Edinaya Rossiya” St.Petersburg Department Executive Committee Tanner Andrew Yurievich – Counselor of President of Football Club “Zenit” Links: EchoMsk view >> view >> Magazine "Security systems" view >> |
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